Family Detective can research any surname with our worldwide research database. We can help you regardless of where you live or what your last name is! Click for a free consultation! Our programs are designed to produce results! Member of The National Genealogical Society.
Family Detective has developed an expertise in family research, specializing in the Roots of Berks, Schuylkill, Bucks, Montgomery, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania. Member of The Pennsylvania German Society. Pennsylvania German people often referred to as "The Pennsylvania Dutch", have a unique place in their 325+ year history in America. It is estimated one-third of today's US population can track their Roots back to these early settlers. We can help!
Family Detective provides ongoing genealogy research on the following family surnames, Lingel, Lengel, Lingle, Langel, Langell, and Lengle Families. Many are descendants of Paulus Lingel, who arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 26, 1737.
Family Detective also provides a unique online shopping experience. Our Gift Stores have designs and gift ideas not available anywhere else. From our Pine Grove, PA Online Gift Store, to our Patriotic Annapolis, MD Online Gift Store you can browse for gift ideas for everyone, even the family dog!
Family Detective Productions offers professional video production services for individuals wishing to bring family events to life. We can transfer your photos, slides and videos to a videotape with customized music, and titles. Now is the time to archive those memories for anniversaries, weddings, family reunions, birthdays and memorials for future generations to enjoy! Here are a few clips for your review!
Family Detective has developed an expertise in family research, specializing in the Roots of Berks, Schuylkill, Bucks, Montgomery, and Lehigh Counties, Pennsylvania. Member of The Pennsylvania German Society. Pennsylvania German people often referred to as "The Pennsylvania Dutch", have a unique place in their 325+ year history in America. It is estimated one-third of today's US population can track their Roots back to these early settlers. We can help!
Family Detective provides ongoing genealogy research on the following family surnames, Lingel, Lengel, Lingle, Langel, Langell, and Lengle Families. Many are descendants of Paulus Lingel, who arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 26, 1737.
Family Detective also provides a unique online shopping experience. Our Gift Stores have designs and gift ideas not available anywhere else. From our Pine Grove, PA Online Gift Store, to our Patriotic Annapolis, MD Online Gift Store you can browse for gift ideas for everyone, even the family dog!
Family Detective Productions offers professional video production services for individuals wishing to bring family events to life. We can transfer your photos, slides and videos to a videotape with customized music, and titles. Now is the time to archive those memories for anniversaries, weddings, family reunions, birthdays and memorials for future generations to enjoy! Here are a few clips for your review!